Delivery FAQ’s

Does MINAMIN deliver products to any location in Kuwait or outside of Kuwait?
Yes, we do deliver our products to any address in Kuwait and soon we will start to deliver across the GCC region.
How long will it take to deliver my order?
Within 48 Hours.
What are your delivery charges?
Free to any address within Kuwait.
What is Cash on Delivery (COD)?

Cash on Delivery (COD) is a payment method by which you can pay for your ordered item(s) in cash when the courier company delivers the item(s) to you at your delivery address.

Don't own a credit/debit card? Or don't wish to pay online? Rather than making any advance online payment, Minamin’s COD option gives you the flexibility to pay the complete order amount on delivery.

How do I pay by Cash on Delivery (COD) method?

Payment by COD option is easy. Just follow these simple steps:

In the website, select the products you need to purchase, add them to your cart and then in the Payment & Order Review page, select Cash on Delivery (COD) as your payment method.

  1. Click the “COMPLETE PURCHASE” button. Once the approval is done, your order will be dispatched.
  2. Once the driver delivers the order, you will have to pay him the complete order amount in cash
How do I know if my order has been shipped?
You’ll get email confirmation of your order along with your order details. To know more about the status of your order, you can reach out to our customer service team on +965 55518628 via whatsapp.
How do I cancel my order?
If you wish to cancel your order, you can send an email request to or send chat with our customer service team on +965 55518628.